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Field Trips

Teachers, let us design a field trip especially for your needs.

Call us at 843-559-0788 with your curriculum goals and we can work with you to plan a memorable trip for your class. There are five programs available year-round.

ALL ABOUT COWS-Learn the difference between beef and dairy cows, the products that come from each, what they eat, anything else that you might want to know about cows! Recommended for ages 3 to 8. Meet states educational standards for science for grades, K-3 Cost $10

CHICKENS AND EGG-Come out to the farm for a chicken adventure! Learn all about chickens and eggs. Also, visit the other animals in our animal barnyard. ( This trip is available year-round, but during the months of March and April an egg hunt is included.) Meets state science standards for grades K through 3. Cost $10.

SPRINGTIME ON THE FARM-This includes a lesson on what vegetables we plant in the spring on the farm, animals, and how we get ready for the busy growing season. Each class gets to plant seeds in a flower pot to take back to their classroom and watch grow. Each child will take home a rubber duck.” Includes a visit to our animal barnyard. Meets state  science standards for grades K through two. Cost $10.

PUMPKIN PATCH-Learn about pumpkins and how they grow. Each child will pick a pumpkin from our patch to take home. Take a hayride to feed the cows. This meets state education standards for grades K through 4. Available in October.  $10/child

THANKSGIVNG ON THE FARM-Learn about the first Thanksgiving and what the pilgrims ate. Discuss these foods and compare them to what we eat today. Visit our animal barnyard and talk about what animals we have today and what animals the Pilgrims had. Take a hayride out to feed the cows. This meets state education standards for social studies and history for grades K thr5. Available November.  $10/child

THIS LITTLE PIGGIE WENT TO MARKET-Learn all about pigs! the products that come from them, what they eat, how they help people in many ways and the difference in pigs and hogs. Recommended for ages 3 to 8. Meet states educational standards for science for grades, K-3 Cost $10

On the farm, here are some animals you might see:

  • Chicken - Our chickens are 1 to 2 year old layers.
  • Cows
  • Donkeys - We have 3 donkeys: Coco, Aurora, and Borealis.
  • Goats - We have 3 goats: Olive, Butterscotch, and Oscar.
  • Pig - We have a large variety of Heritage breed pigs. Choose a pig and you can name it.
  • Rabbits - Our rabbits are Peter Rabbit and Cottontail. They are 1 years old.
  • Sheep - All of our sheep are Jacobs sheep. This breed is black and white spotted and can have from 2 to 6 horns. 
  • Turkey - Our Turkeys are red bourbon turkeys.