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Sponsorship Opportunities

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Legare Farms Education Foundation

Legare Farms Education Foundation is a 501(C)(3) non-profit foundation located on Johns Island, SC. The foundation is based at Legare Farms, a family run farm since 1725.

Linda, Helen and Thomas Legare are the 9th generation of the Legare family to farm on Johns Island. In 2003 they realized that many local children had never been on a farm, seen a cow or goat or understood that eggs come from chickens. The foundation was formed to answer this need.

Legare Farms Education Foundation seeks to teach the people of the Lowcountry about the importance of agriculture, the sources of their food and healthy eating. We do this through school field trips, summer camps, farm theme birthday parties and our Rent-a-Chick program.

We invite school children and families visit us and get a sense of a real working farm. Activities include a hayride out to visit the cows, feeding and pet the small animals, picking a pumpkin and a host of other fun activities.

However, many schools are unable to attend due to funding problems and many families are struggling. In an attempt to keep prices low, thereby allowing more to attend, we are offering sponsorship opportunities to individuals and businesses to help provide all our school children an opportunity to spend a day at Legare Farms.

All donations to 501(c)(3) organizations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated!

Contact: Linda Legare Berry at (843) 514-1215 Or Helen Legare at (843) 514-1218

 Legare Farms Education Foundation
2620 Hanscombe Point Road
Johns Island,SC 29455
(843) 559-0788

Pumpkin Patch

Share the fun and connect with 10,000 plus people in October. 

Available Sponsorships include

Title Sponsor $5000 (only one available) includes:
  • Listing on all promotional materials, press releases, social media sites and the Legare farms website as the event sponsor
  • Recognized as the event sponsor on all radio ads. – opportunity to place your company booth at all event dates.
  • Company advertisement on a 2’ x 6’ banner displayed on location.
  • Fifty (50) passes to event.
Gold Sponsor $1000 includes:
  • Your company booth on location for one weekend
  • Your company logo on all social media sites and Legare farms website.
  • Your company advertisement on a 2’ x 6’ banner displayed on location.
  • Sixteen (16) passes to the event.
Silver Sponsor $500 includes
  • Your company logo on all social media sites and Legare Farms website.
  • Your company advertisement on a 2’ x 6’ banner displayed on location.
  • Eight (8) passes to the event
Friend Sponsor $250 includes
  • Your company logo on all social media sites and Legare farms website
  • Four (4) passes to the event.

Summer Camp Sponsor  $160 includes:

  • Sponsor a needy child at Legare farms summer camp

School Field Trip Sponsor includes

  • Sponsor a schools field trip to Legare farms. This opportunity is available for our Pumpkin patch or any of our field trips.
  • You pick an amount you wish to donate and we pair you with a needy school, or you pick a school of your choice.
Battle of Charleston Living History of American Wars

Each year Legare Farms hosts the Battle of Charleston as a fund raiser for our education foundation. In 2016 the event became a timeline feature living history encampments and skirmishes from American wars. Pirates, Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWI, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.

 Title Sponsor $3000 includes
  • Recognized as event sponsor on all radio ads
  • Opportunity to place booth at event
  • Listing in all social media, press releases and promotional materials
  • Full page ad in program
  • Listing on both Legare Farms and Battle of Charleston websites
  • 20 tickets to the event
  • 10 tickets to Reenactor ball
Gold Sponsor $1000 includes
  • Listing in all social media, press releases and promotional materials
  • Full page ad in program
  • Listing on both Legare Farms and Battle of Charleston websites
  • 10 tickets to the event
  • 6 tickets to Reenactor ball
Friend Sponsor $250 includes
  • Full page ad in program
  • Listing on both Legare Farms and Battle of Charleston websites
  • 6 tickets to the event
  • 4 tickets to Reenactor Ball
Purchase a Program Ad
  • 1/4 page ad $25 
  • 1/2 page ad $50
  • Full page ad $100 (includes 2 tickets to event)