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Pet Policy

We do not allow any pets or other outside animals on our farm.NP PETS ALLOWED

This includes service animals. This is not meant as a discrimination against service animals. We realize that service animals are a great benefit to many.  We greatly appreciate the Americans With Disabilities Act and what it is done for millions of Americans.

However, as a working farm, producing food and selling it to the public, we have a number of regulatory guidelines that we are required to follow. There are several agencies involved in setting down these guidelines. These include the United States Department of Agriculture, The Homeland Security Department, and the Food and Drug Administration, among others. 

 Because of the risks of zoonotic diseases we cannot allow any outside animals to be brought on to our farm. Any animal coming out to the farm would have to be quarantined under strict guidelines for 30 days. While genuine service animals have been certified and are generally well cared for and in good health, that does not mean that they have not been in areas where they could have been exposed to diseases that they could then expose our animals too.

 While we wish we could accommodate everyone, we must abide by the rules. While these rules may seem restrictive too many (and certainly to those of us who are having to follow them), they are in place to ensure the safety of our food supply for everyone.