Family-Owned for 299 years!
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Renourishment Plants



Bitter Panic - Panicum Amarum  

$4.50 2 ½ “ plug  

$2.00 bare root plug

Cordgrass  - Spartina Patens


$1.00 bare root 1-5000 plants  

$6.00 1 Gal. /  $3.00 4” pot

Sand Cordgrass - Spartina Bakeri   

$1.75 bare root plug

$6.00 1 Gal.

Sea Oats  - Uniola Paniculata   

$1.75 bare root plug

$4.50 4” pot

$6.00 1 Gal

Marsh Grass/Smooth Cordgrass - Spartina Alterfolia  


$1.00 bare root 1-5000 plants

$6.00 1 Gal.

Needle Rush  - Juncus Effuses

$1.00 bare root

$6.00 1 Gal.

$8.50 3 Gal.

Sweet Grass - Muhlenbergia Filipis

$4.00 4’ pot

$6.00 1 Gal.

$8.50 3 Gal.

  • Sea-Ox Eye Daisy - Borrichia frutescens
  • Cattails - Typha latifolia                                        
  • Marsh Elder  -  Iva frutescens                                      
  • Pickerel weed - Pontaderia cordata

Available upon  request                


  • All of the above plants can be contract grown.

  • We do not always have the above sizes available.

  • Please call for availability.