Family-Owned for 299 years!
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Legare Farms Veggie Updates!

We get many inquiries about buying our produce. Here are some helpful Veggie Updates:

  • The majority of our vegetables go into our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, however we do offer lots of our vegetables on the Rolling Market.
  • We do not do any U-Pick except for Pumpkins in October.
  • We offer tomatoes in 25 lb. boxes, usually in June when the tomatoes are ripe.
  • We also offer butterbeans, peas, and okra by the bushel and half bushel amounts.
  • We sometime have corn and yellow squash available. We offer many vegetables in small amounts on our Rolling Market.
  • Vegetables have a very short life and availability changes daily so it is impossible to offer them for purchase over the website. We announce on Facebook when vegetables are available so if you do Facebook, like us at